Data update (2013/04/17)
Data for biological samples were added. There are data of 208 analyses for 74 samples from 17 species.
Data update (2013/01/29)
Data for biological samples were added. There are data for 75 samples for 10 plant species.
V.1.3.9 (update: 2012/11/05)
Internal system for multiple site administration was added.
V.1.3.8 (update: 2012/02/27)
Some functions of user interfaces were improved.
V.1.3.7 (update: 2012/02/20)
A bug on the annotation information page for listing DB hit evidences was fixed.
V.1.3.6 (update: 2012/02/15)
Page navigation controls are attached to the data lists.
(with minor modifications of the pages for login users)
V.1.3.5 (update: 2012/02/10)
Page navigation controls are attached to the data lists.
V.1.3.4 (update: 2011/03/03)
Information about KomicMarket APIs was released on public.
V.1.3.3 (update: 2011/01/13)
The site name is changed from KOMICS to KomicMarket.
V.1.3.2 (update: 2010/07/07)
Data for 215 standard chemicals analyzed by FT-ICR-MS were added.
V.1.3.1 (update:2009/09/10)
System update.
V.1.3.0 (2008/05/01)
The initial verion of KOMICS was released.
V.1.0.0 (2007/08/07)
The test version started.