20231204: MassBase will stop for server maintenance from 8 to 10 Dec 2023.
20221208: MassBase will stop for server maintenance from 9 to 11 Dec 2022.
20220818: MassBase will stop for server maintenance from 19 to 24 Aug 2022.
20220617: MassBase will stop for server maintenance from 22 to 23 June 2022.
20220510: MDLC1_05325 to 05327 and MDLC1_05335 to 05346 are deleted as duplicate records of MDLC1_02829 to 02831 and MDLC1_02839 to 02850.
20220415: MassBase will stop for server maintenance from 20 to 23 May 2022
20220405: MassBase will stop for server maintenance on 12 and 13 Apr 2022.
20210511: Metadata of MDLC1_12558, MDLC1_12565 is updated.
20201124: MassBase data is updated to v0.4.3 that includes 339 LC-FT-ICR-MS and 1003 LC-Orbitrap-MS and 567 CE-MS data.
20201118: MassBase data is updated to v0.4.2.5 that includes 18 LC-Orbitrap-MS data.
20201110: Metadata of MDLC1_00034-40, MDLC1_12394, MDLC1_14439-42, MDLC1_18445, MDLC1_18445, MDGC1_04143-278, MDGC1_04767, MDGC1_05156-61 is updated.
20200525: MassBase data is updated to v0.4.2.4 that includes 25 LC-Orbitrap-MS data.
20200205: MassBase data is updated to v0.4.2.3 that includes 39 LC-FT-ICR-MS data.
20200110: Metadata of MDLC1_03926-43, MDLC1_03962-77, MDLC1_03989-04032, MDLC1_08453-510, MDLC1_10572-640, MDLC1_12512-19 is updated.
20170505: MassBase data is updated to v0.4.2.2 that includes 115 LC-FT-ICR-MS data.
20170331: MassBase data is updated to v0.4.2.1 that includes 24 LC-FT-ICR-MS data.
20170125: MassBase data is updated to v0.4.2 that includes 112 LC-FT-ICR-MS and 7 UPLC-Q-TOF-MS data.
20161020: Metadata of MDLC1_46912-26 is updated.
20160421: MassBase data is updated to v0.4.1.2 that includes 36 LC-Orbitrap-MS data.
20160321: MassBase data is updated to v0.4.1 that includes 154 LC-Orbitrap-MS data.
20160228: MassBase will stop for server maintenance on 5 and 6 Mar 2016.
20151128: MassBase will stop for server maintenance on 16 Dec 2015.
20151118: MassBase data v0.3.8 is copied to LSDB Archive (http://dbarchive.biosciencedbc.jp/jp/massbase/desc.html) with an original search interfece. All datasets of MassBase data v0.3.8 is also downloadable from the site.
20140226: MassBase data is updated to v0.4.0 that includes 712 GC-TOF-MS data. All of pre version GC-MS data were processed and deleted from the download page.
20140220: MassBase data is updated to v0.3.9 that includes 730 LC-FT-ICR-MS and 128 LC-Orbitrap-MS and 567 CE-MS data.
20140217: MassBase will stop for server maintenance on 1 to 2 Mar 2014.
20131201: MassBase will stop for server maintenance on 19 to 20 Dec 2013.
20130527: MassBase data sets contain mass spectrometry measurements data of biologcal samples from 153 species.
20130419: MassBase data is updated to v0.3.8 that includes 301 LC-FT-ICR-MS data.
20130227: MassBase data is updated to v0.3.3 that includes 1038 LC-FT-ICR-MS data.
20130227: MassBase data is updated to v0.3.4 that includes 1117 LC-IT-MS LTQ data.
20130227: MassBase data is updated to v0.3.5 that includes 596 LC-Orbitrap-MS data.
20130227: MassBase data is updated to v0.3.6 that includes 15716 CE-MS data. All of pre version CE-MS data were processed and deleted from the download page.
20130227: MassBase data is updated to v0.3.7 that includes 1043 LC-FT-ICR-MS data.
20130215: MassBaes will stop for server maintenance on 2 to 3 Mar 2013.
20121210: MassBaes will stop for server maintenance on 19 to 21 Dec 2012.
20121209: MassBase 1.0.38 is released.
20120831: CE-MS Binary Raw data in the Download page can not download NOW for server maintenace.
20120710: Bug report: In case of total peak number > 53000 (current list: MDLC1_00005, MDLC1_00007, MDLC1_00010, MDLC1_00011, MDLC1_00012, MDLC1_00013, MDLC1_00015, MDLC1_00019, MDLC1_00034, MDLC1_00035, MDLC1_00039, MDLC1_00040, MDLC1_00041, MDLC1_00042, MDLC1_00044, MDLC1_00045, MDLC1_00056, MDLC1_00059, MDLC1_02724, MDLC1_02753, MDLC1_02754, MDLC1_02790, MDLC1_02889, MDLC1_02891, MDLC1_02940, MDLC1_02943, MDLC1_02944, MDLC1_02950, MDLC1_05393, MDLC1_05394, MDLC1_05395, MDLC1_05509, MDLC1_06301), cricking [Show peak list] can not display whole peak list. You can see a whole peak list by each *.mst file for these datasets. We will try to solve this problem in the future.
20120619: MassBase data is updated to v0.3.2 that includes 10733 CE-MS data.
20120605: MassBase data is updated to v0.3.1 that includes 564 LC-FT-ICR-MS data.
20120419: MassBase data is updated to v0.3.0 that includes 2487 GC-TOF-MS data.
20120229: MassBase will stop for server maintenance on 3 to 4 Mar 2012.
20120213: Search and Advanced Search support AND search function (e.g. Arabidopsis leaf). Exact match search is available as in the past.
20120209: MassBase data is updated to v0.2.9 that includes 407 LC-FT-ICR-MS data.
20120209: MassBaes will stop for server maintenance on 13 Feb 2012.
20120206: Link to KomicMarket (http://webs2.kazusa.or.jp/komics/) is created for some data.
20111215: MassBase data is updated to v0.2.8 that includes 721 LC-FT-ICR-MS and 43 LC-Orbitrap-MS data. This release includes animal data (Mus musculus and Caenorhabditis elegans).
20111210: MassBaes will stop for server maintenance at 19 Dec 2011.
20111129: MassBase data is updated to v0.2.7 that includes 115 LC-FT-ICR-MS and 123 UPLC-Q-TOF-MS data.
20111120: MassBase data is updated to v0.2.6 that includes 61 LC-IT-MS LCQ and 18 LC-FT-ICR-MS data.
20111108: MassBase data is updated to v0.2.5 that includes 69 LC-Orbitrap-MS data.
20111107: MassBase data is updated to v0.2.4 that includes 555 LC-IT-MS LTQ data.
20111020: MassBase data is updated to v0.2.3 that includes 498 LC-FT-ICR-MS data.
20111012: MassBase data is updated to v0.2.2 that includes 2426 CE-MS data measured by SIM mode.
20110929: MassBase data is updated to v0.2.1 that includes 22 LC-FT-ICR-MS data.
20110602: Metadata of massbase_pre_v1_sampleinfo_ce.gz are curated (MDCE1_24714 to 24716).
20110531: MassBaes will stop several times between June and July 2011 for server maintenance. It will also slow down download speed.
20100806: MassBase data is updated to v0.2.0 that includes 664 GC-TOF-MS and 121 UPLC-TOF-MS data.
20100801: 1004 GE-TOF-MS and 3307 UPLC-Q-TOF-MS measurements data are deposited as "pre" data version 0.01.
20100715: MassBase start to supply "pre" version dataset, original binary file and metadata without text-formatted data (it is still waiting to process by pipeline but it is freely available) from the download page. 14044 CE-MS measurement data are deposited as "pre" data version 0.01. Text-formatted peak data of the "pre" dataset will be deposited in a stepwise manner.
20100620: About 30,000 non-targeted mass spectrometry data are waiting for MassBase regisitration process now. We are planning to develop more high-throuput data processing pipeline for MST data registration in this year.
20100225: MassBase data is updated to v0.1.9 that includes 803 GC-TOF-MS data. Number of registered peaks exceeds 1 million!
20100222: MassBaes will stop for server maintenance on 7 Mar 2010.
20100127: MassBase data is updated to v0.1.8 that includes 53 UPLC-TOF-MS data.
20091222: MassBaes will stop for server maintenance on 24 Dec 2009.
20091126: MassBase data is updated to v0.1.7.
20090323: The format of peak identifier in MassBase changed (e.g. MDGC1_00001_P0001 -> MDGC1_00001_P000001).
20090226: MassBaes will stop for server maintenance on 1 Mar 2009.
20090225: The lenght of peak identifier in MassBase will change in near future (e.g. MDGC1_00001_P0001 -> MDGC1_00001_P000001).
20090122: MassBase data is updated to v0.1.6.
20081209: Summary page is updated.
20080801: MassBase data is updated to v0.1.5.
20080709: MassBase 1.0 is released for public users.
20080522: MassBase data is updated to v0.1.4.
20080229: MassBase data is updated to v0.1.3.
20080107: MassBase data is updated to v0.1.2.