Welcome to KomicMarket!

KomicMarket (Kazusa Omics Data Market) is the database of annotations of the metabolite peaks that were detected by mass spectroteters (MS) in metabolomics studies. Most of the data were obtained with high-resolution MSs connected to liquid chromatograpy (LC).

Data Browsing

Click "View" -> "Samples" to list the current data. In addition to the biological samples, KomicMarket provides the accurate mass data obtained from ~200 standard chemicals.


Biological Samples: 208 analyses for 74 samples from 17 species
Standard Chemicals: 215 chemicals

Recent Updates

Data for biological samples were added. (version info. is here)


A portal of metabolomics related databases and tools developed by our laboratory.


Kazusa DNA Reserach Institute sakurai at kazusa.or.jp